「Extraordinary stories inspired by ordinary women.」「For a moment, the rabbit did not know if she had the courage to say what she wanted to say. But, somewhere, there was a voice saying, "Do it. If you dare. Think of all the other timid rabbits, who could not be so brave."」「They thought AIDS was just for gays. But it weren't. And even if it were, we are all human, you understand me?」「I hope that our sisters will no longer nurse the view that they are weak.」「We will be making history. Finally. By just living. And you will not stop us any more.」
结局和小人书lulu一样 出逃与释放 但最终还是主动回到现实继续忍着,巨乳排球是真实世界啊 不是一切问题都完美解决的幻想爽片,所以看完有点沉重又觉得现实大概率只能是这样,有过短暂释放总比完全没有好些